Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Games of the 86th Hodgepodge

Unlike the Summer Olympics which only occur every four years, the Hodgepodge rolls around every Wednesday. No training, sweat, or heavy lifting required either, so what are you waiting for? Come play along...

1. The Summer Olympics officially begin this Friday...will you be watching? If you could see just one event in person which one would you pick?

I love the Olympics, summer and winter, and we'll watch a lot of the coverage. If I could see one event in person I'd pick the men's swimming 400-meter Individual Medley final. Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte are expected to win gold and silver. They both want gold.

Plus their abs are easy on the eyes.
Just sayin'.

2. Do lazy days make you feel rested or unproductive?

I guess it depends on whether or not its a 'scheduled' lazy day or a day when I should be productive, but instead, have been lazy. I think we all need a lazy day now and then. We had a weekend of lazy days recently and it was bliss. That kind of lazy recharges my batteries so essentially being lazy was productive. Then there's the kind of day where my to-do list is overwhelming so I go read a book instead. That sort of lazy makes me feel icky and unproductive at the end of the day.

3. July 25 is 'officially' Threading the Needle day...can you sew? On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being not at all and 10 being Betsy Ross-like, how would you rate your skill with a needle and thread?

About a 5. I know how to sew, but haven't done much more than a hem, button, or girl scout badge in recent years. I used to be a better seamstress than I am these days, but I think sewing is like golf...if you don't practice regularly you're not going to be very good. I have a sewing machine that hasn't seen the light of day since we moved to the UK. I should open it up, dust it off, and sew something I guess. Or I might just wait until I have grandbabies.

4. Threading the Needle can also mean to walk a fine line between two things or issues (think awkward social situation). When was the last time you had to 'thread the needle', figuratively speaking?

Politics on facebook.

I really dislike political stuff on facebook. Really really. I much prefer facebook-lite and wish people would save the political maneuvering for their blogs, letters to the editor, call in radio programs, rallies and the like.

I fear I'm becoming less adept at threading the needle when it comes to politics and facebook.

5. Kidney, pinto, black, or navy-your favorite bean?

I love Kidney beans in chili, pinto beans with cornbread or beside a plate of Mexican food and black beans or navy beans in my soup. I'll say pinto beans are my favorite, but that's mostly because I love cornbread and Mexican food.

6. Have you ever hosted a garage sale? Was it more success or bust?

I co-hosted a garage sale once. I was still hauling a bin full of baby clothes out of the back of my car when I was 'accosted' by a patron. She practically climbed up into the station wagon with me. Offered me $200 bucks on the spot for the whole bin, sight unseen. SOLD.

That's kind of how I like it. I know people love garage sales, but I'm not really a fan of sorting thru other people's junk (fine antiques are another matter).

I feel like a garage sale is too much work for mostly too little reward. I prefer giving gently used clothes to Goodwill or some other charity.

7. What makes you roll your eyes?

Passing a slow or erratic driver only to note he/she is on the cell phone or reading/sending a text. Arrrrgh! You're operating a motor vehicle-pay attention!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

My daughter1 posted a fun thing on her blog this week and it's gotten me thinking...go here to read the post. I'm working on creating my own 101 in 1001 now, but it's harder than it sounds. Let me know if you're inspired to come up with a list of your own.


This linky list is now closed.


  1. I agree on the garage sale thing. I've been talked into the ones I have been a part of.

    I saw Shannon's list yesterday and instantly thought I should make my own but it IS really hard! Maybe it has something to do with our (dare I say it) age? Ha. I'm still trying though.

  2. I have already hidden friends on facebook because of their constant political commentary. They are gone until after the election.

  3. Oh i love the swimming portion of the Olympics! I thought about you last weekend when the Giants were playing the Phillies, pretty good series! :)

  4. I agree about the garage sales. They are alot of work and I prefer to give my clothes to Goodwill. I will head over and check out your daughters blog. Have a good day!

  5. Fun questions and answers this week. I agree with number 7.

  6. Daughter1 has quite a list! I'm still in summer mode...can't think that much right now! :)

  7. Joyce, Once again we have some similiar answers! Although, I find that FB and my blog can be the two places I can express myself politically. Sometimes the craziness of it just gets me "riled up." I never use FB to encourage a friend to vote one particular way. That is an indivual choice. But I do think we can not just sit back and let injustice or stupidity go on. Sometimes I think these outlets are my way to "speak out". Yes, I should probably write a letter to my congressman. But why do I think those letters just go into the circular file?? I had my cousin defriend me due to my posts against war. It hurt me. But, I still think I have the right to say my belief. I know hers is different, but I would not defriend her because of it. A raw topic, isn't it?

  8. These are such fun questions :) I have to say rather than roll my eyes at erratic drivers on their phones, I tend to use my horn (I should just roll my eyes!) Love your garage sale story! And I would love to see the men's 400 IM - you are so right, it is going to be a great race! Happy Wednesday!

  9. I have to agree with #7. And I love that 101 in 1001 ... I'm going to ponder on that one. I couldn't agree more about garage sales ... both having one and visiting one. ;-)

    1. And I agree with you on #4 - even with people who have the same political views that I do. ;-)

  10. Fun Hodgepodge, as always! Loved your answers!

  11. Politics on Facebook... been there, dont that. Got into a argument with someone & in the end, no one changed their mind & I was just mad. Never will do that again.

  12. Of course I had to go over and check out the 101 things list. I'm going to give it a shot too- but you're right, it's not that easy! I totally agree with your number 6- there is an awful lot of work for little reward. Hope you lovelies are doing well!

  13. I'm looking forward to the Summer Olympics to begin. It'll be interesting to see if they do the opening show without it being weird, in my opinion. It's fun nonetheless to watch, even if it isn't something I'm wild about. It just cool to be apart of the experience!

    For sure, I'm inspired to come up with my own 101 in 1001 Days list. I may work on this to get it up next Tuesday - great prompt for next Tuesday's random post, if I can get it completed before then and if not then it'll be the following Tuesday. Thanks!

    This week, I've fallen short and didn't post your question on my blog. Shame on me, right? I hope you aren't too disappointed, as well as anyone else who happens to visit me.

    Thanks for hosting!

  14. Good answer to #4. I try to avoid that.

  15. Well, now hadn't thought about the abs, might have to reconsider watching the swimming. :o)

    And, I so agree about politics on FB!

    Happy Day!

  16. I'm like you on garage sales. I have never been to one but hosted two when we moved two times. The cell phone issues in cars drives me crazy. Good thing I don't go out often. How many people have to die for people to get it! When you mentioned Facebook I realized that I may have had an answer for #4. I posted a lovely story of a miracle that one girl received who was shot in Colorado. One person questioned where God was for the others and the conversation deepend. It got awkward.

  17. I totally agree that a planned lazy day IS productive!

    I agree; gently used clothes, appliances etc, Goodwill. Even the nicer pieces I’d rather give to an antique dealer to sell. I, in major anxiety right now because I have to sell a car; I don’t know the first thing about selling a car!

  18. I'm right there with you on the over-politicizing on Facebook. I also don't like it when they take one candidate or another and bully them. It bothers me, and tells me a lot about the person.

  19. Oh YES, number 7. My eyes just rolled back in my head.

  20. Hi Joyce,
    Great questions. I've decided to join you in the 101 in 1001. Don't know if I'll make it, but I'll try my darnedest.
    Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  21. I wrote but cant link with this little tablet. I would love to know the feeling of getting paid 200 for a bin of clothes unseen. Whoa! I am not totally against politics on b but cant bear a steady diet of it. What really hurts is that my own sister closed her acct, opened a new one and rejected my friend request. When i asked why she said to ask again after the election. She is limiting her new fb to 14 friends. I thought w agreed on most political issues but apparently not. She sid i wouldnt like what she posted or commented on. Still, we are sisters!

  22. Loved all your answers today.....Your daughter1 idea is perfect and impressive....I wish i could have that dedication! Have a wonderful day!

  23. Loved the questions this week and your comments. We are so very much alike in many ways. Have a great week and thank you for doing this each week. I am off to check out your daughters blog.

  24. Pinto beans and Mexican food rock!! ;-)
    I'm tempted to do the 101 in 1001. Tempting...

  25. Oh yeah, that is an eye roller for me too!

  26. love me some gymnastics and beans...but no where close would cause lots of eye rolling! hahahahah!
    fun post
    i was up at 2:30am, and noticed my post hadn't updated...i had fat-fingered my publish time and rather than 12:01am i had typed 10:01am. it gave me something to do while i couldn't sleep.

  27. Yes, I really roll my eyes at drivers doing about anything while driving, putting on make up- eating a bowl of cereal - doing a cross word - holding a small dog on their lap while driving! These are the people who make my skin crawl.

  28. I can't stand the political nonsense on fb either!

  29. Thanks for sending so much traffic to my blog! It's be so fun if lots of people shared their lists! love you lots!

  30. I'm with you on the garage sales--a lot of work, for the amount of money. I just donate these days...

    Wow, that's some list your daughter has. Oh, the power of youth! At this point, I'm not sure I could come up with that many things that I'd still like to do...LOL

  31. you and i are right together on the bean choices :)

  32. Lucky sale at your garage sale. Wish that would have happened to me at least once.
    Love that list! I'm inspired!

  33. I have had far toooooo many garage sales. I made my sis...renae.., to pinky swear not to do one again either. Haaa my not try to sell anything at a garage sale that you would not mind just giving away. Hhahhahhahhha.

  34. I love the 101 things in 1001 days so much that I am jumping on the bandwagon and I blogged about it with a link to yours and Shannon's blogs :) Should be fun!

  35. had me giggling with your answer to #1. I, too, am looking forward to this match-up!
