Wednesday, May 9, 2012

She sells sea shells in the Wednesday Hodgepodge Vol 77

Welcome to the Wednesday glad you're playing along today. Be sure to add your blog link to the bottom of my post and hop around to see what everyone else is saying. Here are my answers~

1. What's a pet peeve you have when vacationing?

Rude people.
Also a pet peeve when not vacationing.

2. Are you a light packer or do you need everything in your closet plus the kitchen sink?

I wish I were a light packer. Sort of. I mean I like what I like and shoes are normally my downfall. Plus I'm a bit of a klutz so unless I'm somewhere like a rented condo where I can do laundry (and really who wants to do laundry when they travel???) I cannot be counted on not to spill something thus making tops and skirts unwearable a second time. I know there is a particular type of traveler out there who relishes the challenge of cramming everything they need for a two week trip into a backpack. I am not one of them.

3. What's the best lesson a child ever taught you?

Every day's a gift.

4. Share one piece of advice you'd give a recent graduate as they attempt to enter the job market?

Your first job will most likely NOT be your dream job. Nevertheless, do your very best with whatever tasks you are assigned, show up early with a smile on your face, be pleasant to everyone, dependable, willing to learn and go the extra mile. Remember, that first job is a stepping stone on the path to one day landing that dream job.

5. What's your favorite lemon something?

I love lemon everything, it's one of my favorite flavors, so this is a hard question. My sunburst lemon bars rank right up there-so good!

6. Flat sandal, wedge, heel...your favorite footwear?

I do love a heel and that's probably my favorite. I also love a wedge and I never wear flats. Well, flip flops but that's about the only flat I own besides my slippers and tennis shoes.

7. What do you like best about a beach holiday? If you're not a beach lover (GASP!!) what do you dislike the least?

I pretty much love everything about a beach holiday but if I have to choose just one thing I'm going to say sunlight dancing on the water.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net forever."
Jacques Cousteau


This linky list is now closed.


  1. Your advice to a recent college grad is so practical! I'm supposing that you gave Daughter1 this advice and will repeat it to Daughter2?

  2. I love your answer to #7. I also love the sunsets. They always bring me such a sense of calm.
    Great questions, Joyce. :)

  3. Love your answer for #4! I took a bit of a different approach, but I think we're on the same path. Yes...every day is a GIFT...and one to be cherished! Enjoy your Wednesday, Joyce!

  4. Mmmmmmmm.....sunlight dancing on the water!!! Wish I woulda thought that myself. It's like diamonds. Dazzling the eye at every glance. Yes indeed. And wait...don't go yet....tell me-------and what brand are these lemon bars? And!!!!!!!!!!---where do I find them in the grocers' aisle? They sound luscious.

  5. I just got some wedge shoes yesterday. I usually wear flats. Hope your having a good week.

  6. Yes, I am glad you mentioned "smile" when giving advice to a graduate.
    Everyday is a gift! Hadn't thougnt of that.

  7. Love #2. I think that is my packing light fear. What if you run out of clean clothes? Honey always reminds me with a sigh, "they have stores where we are going".

  8. Oooo...and sunsets...I forgot to mentions the sunrise and sunsets on the water! Ooooo! Thanks for hosting today...again...happy hodgeity podgeity to you!!

  9. Too crazed to connect this week, so I'll just have to say this...

    I love lemon too! I make a lemon bundt with cream cheese filling that is delicious. And I'm no Martha Stewart.

  10. Every day is indeed a gift. It is good to be reminded of that. By the sound of most of the answers, I think we should plan the next Hodgepodge at the beach!

  11. I am in L.O.V.E. with beach vacations! Toes in the sand. The soothing sound of waves. The fragrance of the salty air. Great questions and answers. Have a fabulous day. Blessings, SusanD

  12. Now I'm craving all things lemon :)

  13. This Hodgepodge is really making me long for a beach trip...I hope you enjoy yours!

  14. Loved these questions and I'm with you on the flats, not for me! Thanks for hosting us each week and coming up with such good questions each week. You are not doubt a highly organized woman to do all that you do in a day's time. :o) Happy Wednesday!

  15. Everyday is a gift.(Q#2) That's definitely a lesson learned from kiddoes. That comes from slowing down to their pace & realizing this important factor. We all take life for granted.

    Great questions. Thanks for hosting!

    Wayback Wednesdays Hodgepodge

  16. I, too, am a bit of a klutz, but that's what souvenir t-shirts are for! :D

    Love this week's questions, and I linked to my favorite lemon dessert on my answers!

  17. I don't care for rude people either and they seem to be all over the place around here. I love it when I'm driving over the Isle of Palms connector and the ocean is that emerald green color- absolutely stunning! Makes me want an emerald ring. LOL I've never been much of a fan of heels. When you stand 5'10" tall, heels become overkill. :) Thanks, Joyce, for hosting this hop every week! I really enjoy it! How was graduation? Did you cry? Wait, did you already post this and I missed it? I'll check...LOL

  18. I can just picture the sunlight dancing on the water. Love it! I am all about lemon, it is my favorite also. Besides food I love it everywhere in the house too, like candles, shower gel and body lotion! Enjoyed your answers Joyce. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  19. Hi there! I just linked up for the first time and wanted to say what a fun idea this Hodgepodge Wednesday is :) Glad I could play along!

  20. Great advice for new grads. So true for my first job. I was so excited at the time but when I look back now how on earth did I survive there for even that half of year!

  21. I love the beach! (Even though I live far away from one right now. lol)

  22. Great answers....after traveling and living aboard you really learn to pack like a European...and unfortunately smell like on in the end too! Lol Just kidding! Have a wonderful day!

  23. Good questions this week Joyce. Your answer to #4 is very wise. I need to remember that one to encourage my daughters when their time comes.

  24. So jealous of your heels and wedges. At 5'10", those just aren't practical for me which is tragic because the are SO cute.

  25. Oh I love that Jacques Cousteau saying!!!

  26. Did you bring sunburst lemon bars for us all to try??? :)

    We'd all be happier if our outlook never grew up!

  27. Loved the questions this week. Sorry I am late getting around to it. I am sorry about the death in your family.

  28. Don't know why i skipped last weeks hodgepodge, i think i just plain old forgot. Anyway i too love lemon everything, lemon bars, lemon merenge pie, lemon cupcakes & of course lemonade! Also i can't stand the rudeness of people while traveling, the one thing i didn't like about Italy was when people were pushy, cold and crashing dishes in the kitchen.
