Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ringing in the Hodgepodge Vol 59

I'm currently (still?) drowning in a sea of sheets and towels which is what happens when thirteen people come to stay. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. I'm going to dive right into this week's Hodgepodge and save my Christmas recap for tomorrow's post.

Remember Christmas?

I still want to post some thoughts and pictures for posterity and I'm sure right now my girls are laughing at the word 'posterity'. We watched some old family videos over the holidays and apparently I uttered that phrase every time we pulled out the camera...'Now we have it saved for posterity.'

Who really dislikes seeing themselves on video?
Actually, it's not the seeing I mind so much as the hearing. Yowza.

A-ny-way...the are my answers. Add your link to the bottom of my post and then go say happy new year to others who are playing along today too.

1. Share something you loved about your Christmas day.

We spent Christmas with my family this year and I love to see the cousins all together. It doesn't happen nearly often enough so when it does it's special.

2. You get to put five items in a time capsule to be opened in 100 years, what items would you choose and why?
  • an ipad loaded with music and a few popular movies...I think its safe to say technology is only going to move faster.
  • a cell phone which I imagine will be viewed with mouths agape, much the same way my kids look at me when I tell them our phone used to be attached to the wall but had a cord that was 25 feet long. I guess you could say it was 'mobile'-ha! You had to actually dial it and if there was a 9 in the number you were calling that dial had to go allllll the way around. If the person you were trying to reach wasn't home the phone just rang and rang and rang and if they were talking to someone else you got a busy signal, sometimes for hours. Technology isn't all bad. Just sayin'.
  • my blog bound into a book for a look at everyday life in the year 2011. Hearth and home, faith, motherhood, leisure and world travel. My blog covers all of that, right?
  • a complete jeans, my suede boots with the cute heel, a sweater and scarf, a fun bag and some casual jewelry. We think these items look great now but I'm pretty sure that's what we thought when we were wearing scrunchies and shoulder pads back in 1980.
  • a Starbucks mug and menu...we are a culture obsessed with coffee and it would be remiss not to mention it.
3. What do you like on a cracker?

I have a favorite cheese ball recipe I like on a cracker. Daughter2 put it together this year for snacking on Christmas afternoon. I must add that this girl has been quite the cook since arriving home from uni for her winter break. I'm a little bit spoiled with her in the kitchen and am wondering if she really needs that last semester of college?

4. Do you make resolutions? How'd that work out for you this past year?

I do think about my life and what I want to accomplish or improve. Most years I do put some of my goals in writing.

Last year's goals? I guess I'd give myself a C+. That's what's so great about a new's another chance to get things right.

5. What's a song or song lyric you'll associate with 2011?

"...I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That's what faith can do..."

6. How will you ring in the new year?

We don't have any special plans at the moment. I think it will be just the three of us here on New Year's Eve since Daughter1 had to go back to work this week and will ring in the new year with her honey. We will likely keep it low key, maybe make fondue for dinner which is always fun and then watch movies and see the ball drop on tv.

7. What is something you look forward to in 2012?

Daughter2 will graduate from uni in May and that's pretty exciting. Mostly though my thoughts are completely focused on my niece and I look forward to the day she beats leukemia and her excellent health is restored.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

My sister has a birthday the day after Christmas and even though we have no less than fifteen kinds of cookies in the house we still needed an extra special something to mark the day. Since my sister collects pigs daughter2 baked these cupcakes which are just too adorable.

We found the idea on Pinterest and the recipe suggested pink wafer cookies for the ears. We used pink bubble tape instead which was super easy to work with and could be cut with scissors.

Happy New Year to you all!


This linky list is now closed.


  1. Lovely picture of your girls and their cousins. I'm praying that 2012 is a good one for your family...especially that precious niece of yours.

  2. Great choice of lyrics...I love that one, too. The cupcakes are darling, and I concur about hating to HEAR my voice in a video. Ick. Praying that your niece beats the leukemia in 2012. My , what a load to carry. Thankfully we don't have to bear it alone.

  3. I'm knee deep in laundry here too. How many towels do these people need? LOL We don't have any graduations this year. But next year? Birdie from grad school and DoodleBug from undergrad. Is it bad to hope they don't find jobs so they can move back home? :)

    I love those cupcakes! I am keeping your niece in my thoughts and prayers.

    Can't wait to see your Christmas post!

  4. Love the cousin nice when family can get together! We missed that this year. Love your time capsule's funny I ask my daughter and hubby what they would put in and their answers where all different. Cute cupcakes.....Pinterest is awesome site.
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Blog in book form! What a great answer. Love the cupcakes as well. I remember phones where you shared a line and if your "neighbor " was on the phone, you could not be (but you could listen to that conversation). Boy I wonder what phones will be like in a 100 years.

  6. Love those cute cupcakes. Pinterest is the bomb!

    I've considered doing my blog into a book, but haven't yet. Have you tried it? Is it hard?

    Nice cousin picture.

    Happy New year!

  7. Those pig cupcakes are adorable!
    Great questions this week!

  8. My daughter will graduate also in May. May 13th to be exact. Looks like you had a nice holiday with your family. The pig cupcakes look great!
    Hope to see you in the new year.

  9. Sounds like a great way to spend New Year's Eve. Praying that 2012 brings good health for you all, especially your niece.

  10. I can't wait for the Christmas recap! With 13 people in the house, I'm sure it was anything but dull :)

    I love those pig cupcakes. I joined Pinterest, but haven't found time to do much exploring yet.

    Thanks for another thoughtful set of questions.

  11. glad you got to spend time with your Family.. Next year I get to go to Texas and see my Family.. I just can't wait for that one.. I hope you enjoy your New Year..

  12. Loved the questions this week! And oh, those cupcakes are too cute! Isn't Pinterest the most amazing thing? What an addiction... :-) Have a Happy new Year - keeping your niece in our prayers as always!

  13. Oh ya, the old rotary-dial phones. My recurring dream growing up was dialing those phones and never getting the number right and having to start over and over...!
    Love those pig cupcakes!
    Happy New Year!

  14. These were such great questions and I'm so glad you did the Wednesday Hodge Podge even if it is a day between holidays...
    When we moved into our new house in 1979/80, we put a phone in the hall between our son and daughter's rooms so that they could each have access. It had an extra long cord so they could take it to their room to talk in privacy....can you imagine the new generation sharing like that? I still remember the first phone we had when I was a child, about 4 years old. It didn't have a dial or buttons to push. One picked it up and told the operator the number one wanted to call. Our number was 498J.
    Mama Bear

  15. Love your capsule. I would love help from my children in the kitchen! I know how much you appreciate her help. Sounds like a wonderful song. Praying for your niece. Love the cupcakes!

  16. I love it when Pinterest projects turn out as planned!

  17. Those lyrics are perfect for you and what your niece is going through this year. She is still on my prayer list for sure!

    Happy New Year!

  18. Oh my gosh, those piggies are too cute! I may have to try and make them for my daughter. She loves pigs, too.

  19. Those cupcakes look delish! Actually too pretty to eat! ;o I'm glad your Christmas went well. Will the Hodgepodge continue on to # 59 or go back to 1 ?? Happy New Year!!

  20. I thought that your time capsule/cell phone response was hilarious! I sure miss those rotary phones. I'd glad have that back over these cell phones any day!

    Your #5...that looks like a great song. I'll have to look for it on YouTube.

    #7..that is my prayer, too, for your niece and for all of the children (and their families) battling cancer. {{{hugs}}}

    I hope that your sister had a wonderful birthday. The piggy-cakes are adorable!

  21. What a beautiful family Joyce! I love the piggie cupcakes! How creative. You are so technological. Imagine what it will be like 100 years from now. Sometimes I wish we could go back to the way it was before so much technology. Thank you again for hosting Wednesday's Hodgepodge. When I hear Hodgepodge, I think of that glue we used to use to make collages.

  22. Love the pictures. Love the cupcake pigs. Thank you so much for hosting Hodge Podge each week so faithfully. Happy New Year to you.
