Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Wednesday Hodgepodge is Nuts-Vol 46

Welcome to the Wednesday glad you've joined the fun today. Add your link at the bottom of my post and then hop around to see what everyone else is saying. Here are my answers-

1. It is officially fall here in North America...I realize not everyone who participates in the Hodgepodge lives in North America, but if you do what's your favorite memory of Summer 2011? If you're not in North America, what's your favorite memory of the season just ending on your side of the world?

One of my favorite memories from Summer 2011 would have to be my camp reunion which I wrote about here and here....such a special weekend!

2. Your favorite nut? You know I mean the edible kind, right?

Oh do I choose? I've never met a nut I didn't like. Almonds are all the rage now and we're told they're good for us so I'm on board with that. I'm slightly addicted to the Blue Diamond Wasabi Soy variety. I have always loved cashews. And pistachios. And of course nearly everything is better with some chopped pecans or walnuts thrown in to the mix....brownies, sweet potato casseroles, salads, granola, etc. I like salted peanuts and I love peanut butter. Who am I forgetting??? Brazil nuts are just eh I guess but otherwise bring on the nuts!

3. What activity puts your sense of balance to the test?

Hubs might say walking. Seriously sometimes the floor jumps right up at me. I would probably say anything involving heights.

4. How would you describe your sense of humor?

Alive and well. I think we've become so serious as a nation and not in a good way. I realize there is much doom and gloom every which way you look but a sense of humor comes in handy when times are tough.

Has anyone been watching any of the political debates (speaking of no sense of humor)? When asked the question, "If elected what is one thing you'd bring to the White House?" one of the candidates (Herman Cain) responded, "I would bring a sense of humor because America is too uptight." On this point I agree with Mr. Cain.

5. September 28th is National Ask a Stupid Question Day...what's your stupid question?

This is one of those questions that causes me to draw a blank. Not that I haven't asked plenty of stupid questions in my lifetime, it's just that none are coming to mind. I could ask my husband if he can think of a stupid question I've asked recently but I'm pretty sure that would be a stupid question.

6. Roller skates~hula hoop~jump rope...which activity would you most enjoy? Yes, you have to choose.

Roller skates. My girls can hula hoop til the cows come home but I've never gotten the hang of that activity. If you're over 40 you probably know why I 'just say no' to the jump rope. If you're under 40 and have ever given birth just wait...your day will come.

I've always loved to skate and I still had a pair of roller blades up until we moved to England. We had great bike trails near our house in Maryland that were perfect for roller blading and we used to go pretty often. My current neighborhood is super steep so no roller blading for me these days. My girls are probably sighing with relief right now.

7. What's your most sentimental possession?

Do you read here? Ever? Then you know I'm sentimental and can't possibly pick just one thing.

A couple of letters hubs has written me over the years. My girl's baby books. My wedding album. A letter my dad wrote me while he was in Vietnam. Many of my Christmas ornaments. Dishes. Yes, I can be sentimental about pottery. It's not so much the dish but more the memory of the trip to get it that sparks the sentiment. I'm sure there's more but I'll stop now. You're welcome.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

This picture was taken on the beach in Marco Island Florida in the summer of 1995-

That adorable little munchkin sitting smack in the middle of her two cousins is my sweet, funny, courageous niece who is turning 17 years old today. I wrote about her in this post if you're new here.

Happy Birthday Niece!

She will spend her birthday in the hospital recovering from her second round of chemo as she waits for a bone marrow donor match to be identified. Becoming a donor may not be something you've ever thought about but I am asking you to consider it today. I know it all sounds a little bit scary so here are a few facts taken from their info packet about the process-
  • You must be between the ages of 18 and 60, be willing to donate to any patient in need, and meet the health guidelines.
  • Donors never pay for donating and are never paid to donate. Medical and travel costs are reimbursed.
  • Every person who registers provides may never be identified as a match for someone or you might be one of several potential matches. You may also be the only one on a registry of 8 million people who can save a patient's life
To register or learn more please visit Be the Match. After you register you'll be sent an easy to follow packet of instructions. A simple cheek swab is all that is needed to put you into the system. Further testing would happen should you be lucky enough to match someone on the wait list.

If you do decide to register I'd love for you to let me know. And even if you don't I'd really love for you to leave a happy birthday wish in the comments section of my blog today for my favorite seventeen year old. I'm pretty sure my blog is the first place she goes when she gets online, ahem, but just in case its not I'll make certain she knows to visit on her birthday.


This linky list is now closed.


  1. I love grabbing a handful of raw almonds. What a delicious, healthy snack...especially for a vegan!

    On a serious note, my heart hurts for your family. I'm praying for your niece. :(

  2. Enjoyed getting back to Hodgepodge this week. I can heartily agree with you on the jump rope activity. A most happy and blessed birthday wish goes out to your lovely niece. I pray that she recovers soon and can put this road bump in life well behind her very soon. Have a happy 17th birthday pretty girl!

  3. Oh you had me giggling away in here today. Number 3 got me started then by the time I reached number 6 I was on the floor!

    Happy birthday to your niece! Cute photos.

  4. I'll be the first to comment - Happy Birthday Anna! And yes, I of course have registered. And think everyone else should follow suit. Thank you from Anna's other aunt!

  5. Happy Birthday to your niece and I pray she finds a match soon. I've been on the Bone Donor list for years. I'm eating walnuts while I type this!

  6. Happy birthday to your niece. She must be so strong.

  7. Happy 17th birthday to your niece!!

  8. Happy Birthday-to your niece. You are a beautiful, young lady.
    Praying for you and your family.

  9. Happy Birthday to your sweet niece I hope she has a match soon. She is in my prayers.

  10. What a sweet post. I send prayers for your niece to find a matching donor.

  11. Happy birthday to your niece. My prayers are with her and I am a donor.

  12. Love your answers Joyce! You always bring the humor!

    Your niece is beautiful! I hope she has the most fantabulous day EVER!

  13. I'll say a prayer for your niece and family today. My niece also went through Chemo for Leukemia when she was just a toddler. Happy to report that she is now a teenager and doing well. Chemo is a horrible road for not just the patient but the family, but modern medicine is a wonderful thing.

  14. What an amazing post today.. Your niece is an amazing girl.. My thoughts go to her and all of you.. Can you do this if you are nursing a child? I was just wondering.. If no then later on when I am done nursing I would love to look into this for someone else...

    No almonds.. Oh I love them.. I have a little bit of trouble walking too.. Have a great day.. Be by later to read more.. Have to clean house.. :(

  15. I remember reading about your niece and I am sorry I haven't asked about her. I hope she has a Happy Birthday and I will pray for her along with the family. ((HUGS))

    I loved reading your answers. I love most nuts but I only put one down. I forgot about pistachios! I love them. Thanks again for all the questions. Wednesday's are always fun!

  16. Thanks Joyce for hosting....
    I pray that a donor is found. The very first requirement eliminated me.
    Mama Bear

  17. Love this week's hodgepodge :)
    lol - walking...same here! :)
    Happy Birthday to your niece :)

  18. Happy Birthday to your niece!
    May she have a wonderful birthday.

    Thank you for hosting this weekly meme.

  19. Happy Birthday to your Niece!

    She is (still) on my prayer list. And I registered!

  20. I've been on the registry for about 15 years now. I would love to get a call that I'm a match for someone.
    Praying that a match will be found for your beautiful niece.

  21. HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!

    Hoping the day brings you smiles and happiness ~ all your wishes come true and your troubles evaporate on the wind!

    Thanks again Joyce for all you do ~ the Hodgepodge has become the high point in my week!

  22. wising a very happy birthday to your {{{beautiful niece}}}!!

    (and we're raw almond eaters around here ;)

  23. Thanks so much for that link Joyce. I've always wondered how you register to become a donor. I'll go check it out.

  24. Happy 17th Birthday!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡ʎɐpɥʇɹıq ɥʇ71 ʎddɐɥ
    (yes I wrote it upside down.)

    #2 made me laugh! :)

  25. I am very sorry your niece is going through a tough time. ;( I hope she will recover from this horrible disease. I'll be praying for her!

    #2 cracked me up! ;)

  26. Happy Birthday, dear Anna! May you feel the love of family and friends from near and far. Sending prayers to cover and encourage you as you celebrate your 17th birthday!

  27. Happy Birthday Niece! I hope today is a happy one, and the year ahead will be even better!

  28. Happy Birthday to your niece!

    Thanks for another great week of Hodgepodge :)

  29. Happy 17th Birthday, Anna! Even though I don't know you, I am praying for you just the same :)

    Joyce, I'm with you. I LOVE nuts! I think it makes so many things better by adding nuts to them. I'm about to have some ice cream with chopped almonds on top. YUM!

  30. Happy 17th birthday ANNA!!! sending you prayers and love, you are a brave tough girl to be dealing with what you are going through. Keep your head held high and trust in God and he will not fail you!!!

    Joyce, Thank you for the hodgepodge it is so much fun, I love nuts also hard to pick my favorite.

    Rainbow & Tiger

  31. I went to SoulFest this year in NH (Christian Music Fest) & they had a tent there for people to be tested to be donors. Sadly I can't as I have insulin-dependent diabetes.

    My contribution is here:

  32. I am new to your blog - your answer No 5 is very funny - mine would be the same :) Happy birthday to your niece - as a parent, it breaks my heart to hear of children with cancer. May a donor surface quickly with a successful procedure. XO Laura
