Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Giddy Up into the Hodgepodge-Vol 45

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge...add your link at the end of my post and join the party. After you read my answers of course-

1. Do you like chili? Red or white? Beans or no beans? Spice or no spice? Toppings?

I love chili, both the red kind and the white. With beans please although if you leave them out I won't turn it away. I definitely like some spice in mine along with a little grated cheese, a tiny dollop of sour cream, and some sliced avocado on top. Yum!

2. Red-orange-gold...your favorite fall color?

I love all the colors of fall and use them in my home year round. I have a red kitchen and my family room and foyer are painted a soft warm gold. I don't use a lot of orange in decorating unless we're celebrating Tennessee football but I do love to wear orange if it's warm and not garishly bright. As far as the fall trees go, any and every color is my favorite. My back hillside will very soon be a swath of gold and positively gorgeous.

3. Who did you idolize when you were growing up?

No gangsters or sketchy celebs. Well, I guess the celebs may have been sketchy, but we didn't know that since we didn't have access to their every thought, bad habit, credit card charge and criminal misdeed like we do now.

I idolized my camp counselors and also my youth leaders. My youth leaders were a young couple, volunteers in the youth department. He was in the Navy back then and she gave piano lessons. We lost touch for a long long time but we're facebook friends now. He went on to seminary and has been a pastor for many years.

I idolized my mom and the moms who lived on either side of us...I always wanted to be a mother and I had some good examples.

4. When was the last time you did something 'arts and craftsy'? Share please.

I'm not a terribly 'artsy craftsy' person. Last weekend we had friends over for dinner and as part of the decor I put tea lights into apples that had been partially cored. They were super cute and easy, went with my fall theme, and looked something like this.

5. What's a place that makes you really nervous?

The dentist. I'd rather do almost anything than go to the dentist. My stomach is in a knot the whole time I'm in the chair. Normally there's no real reason for that...I think I'm always nervous anticipating something painful and expensive but mostly painful.

6. Horseback riding...yay or nay (neigh?)

St. Lucia, 2003

It's not an activity I seek out but I do enjoy it every now and then. I learned to ride as a kid at summer camp and hubs and I have ridden a few times while on holidays. The problem is I like something leisurely and he prefers FAST! EXCITING! YEEHAW!

7. What's your favorite cliche?

This question is for the birds. When I looked thru an online list I realized that the cliche is my friend. I need to back off the cliche talk. Avoid them like the plague so to speak. I'm like a broken record. As luck would have it I saw a few of my favorites listed-bull in a china shop, better late than never, and thick as thieves. I hope my answer didn't drive you up a wall. ahem...moving on with my random thought now-

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Our gourmet group held their monthly luncheon on Monday. The theme this month was Jersey fresh and all the dishes were made with Farmer's Market produce and good! I love fall but will miss the summer fruits and veg when they are gone for the season.


This linky list is now closed.


  1. Ohhh...the dentist...I didn't think of that!! I am such a wimp! I had a meltdown in the chair a couple of years ago when I was having two teeth pulled...not from the extractions but from the xrays beforehand. My mouth is small, and my jaw doesn't open very far. It was a miserable experience, and now I won't even let them do xrays.

  2. I'm with you on the dentist. No fun. No fun at all. Such a cute apple project. Don't you love Pinterest?

  3. Sounds like a great luncheon. Looks like a lovely place to horseback ride! I have done the little candles in small pumpkins for Thanksgiving.

  4. Oh I forgot about the Dentist! Guess I just blocked that out since I'm so afraid of them all. Great questions and answers todayl

  5. The apple candle idea is brilliant, I repined it!! My BIL used to be my dentist and he has a calming effect plus the nitrous oxide helped!!
    I'm in love with fall but am bummed about all the fruits now going out of season....especially the strawberries.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  6. I said dentist too. lol. I saw the apple/candle idea on pinterest too. Cute idea. I'm not surprised by the difference between you & hubs riding styles. I tend to lean more towards the fast, exciting, yeehaw style too. You're surprised I know. :) I was telling my hubs that all too soon, the farmer's market will be closing for the season. It's sad. Great questions. Blessings, SusanD

  7. #7 is too funny and I pinned the applelights. That is adorable.

    Have a great day. I think I'm going to go get some chili for lunch. lol

  8. The apple idea--so cute and since this weekend is Apple Festival here in Chilhowie, I might try this---looks easy. Having troube with pininterest-can't seem to get the hang of it.

  9. I love those apple candles--so simple, yet, I never would have thought of it.

    Wasn't it great back in the day when we had more strong adult role models to "look up to"? There seems to be a shortage of those these days...

    Thanks for another great Hodgepodge :)

  10. I love fall, too, but like you, I miss the wonderful fresh fruits and veggies of summer.

  11. Ooh, I forgot about avocado! Yum! And now I want to make chili! And thanks for the laughs with the cliche's!

  12. I've never had avocado on chili, but I will now! And the dentist....totally forgot about the dentist, but as I was reading your answer, my stomach started to form knots. EEK!

  13. I've never even thought to put avocado on chili but I will certainly try it next time! We do use cheese and sour cream on it though. And I forgot about the dentist! I get nervous in there too. And now they try to use these mouth thingys that hold your mouth open- I told mine NO WAY! Oh how I hate going to the dentist!

  14. I have made the apple tea lights before...also used veggies as bowls for dips. I am iwth you on the dentist.

  15. Hold on, there's a white chilli? What the heck is that?

    Happy Wednesday!

  16. The dentist is scary to me too! I really love the idea of tealights in apples and little pumpkins! I'm definitely going to have to try these.

  17. I love the apple candles.
    Is that your Pinterest page?
    Mind if I follow you?

    Ugh...I go to the dentist, for a cap, in February.
    So not looking forward to it.
    Not only am I not looking forward to it,
    who would have thought a cap is so expensive?
    All because I chipped my tooth when I bit into a fork.

  18. Not a fan of the dentist either!

    I had to look up what cliche meant, and found lists of them just like you. I use quite a bit of them in my every day language. Ha!

    I will miss the fresh fruits and veggies of the summer too.

  19. I also love fall colors, and they show up in my decorating year round. : ) Please post pictures of nature's color in your neck of the woods since we don't ever get that down here!

  20. I love the tealights in apples idea. I am going to have to try that one :)
    Thanks for another great week of Hodgepodge!

  21. Love your answer to number 7 - too funny!

  22. So many answers I could have given the same. Horseback riding on the beach would be amazing. I'm jealous!

  23. Love the apples idea. I may have to steal that one!

  24. Hey Joyce and thank you for hosting each week.
    I have the same problem at the dentist. The Happy Gas helps. I think my problems stem from childhood visits which were painful. When I had my implants, they told me that I didn't have to be put to sleep and I told them yes, I did. I think if I could I'd have them do that for every procedure. Sometimes even cleanings hurt unless you find someone whose gentle. If I don't, I ask for someone else. They do have a local anesthetic that can be rubbed on gums before cleaning. But my nervousness begins before I leave home.
    I like the apples as candle holders.
    Mama Bear

  25. The dentist makes me nervous as well. LOL!

  26. Ditto on the dentist. Don't you feel sorry for dentists? Me neither. Ha.

    Cute cute apples!
